An update from the NUI #Seanad16

Dear candidates, Here is an update on polling in the election: As of noon today 18-04-2016: Ballots cast: 19,186 Ballots returned: 19,500 Ballots reissued: 861. Today 18 April is the last day on which a voter can request that a ballot paper be re-issued with a reasonable expectation of getting the re-issued ballot paper in time to vote in the election. We will continue […]
Democracy, for all its difficulties, is in need of being cherished

The savage slaying of Jo Cox, by all accounts a really great emerging politician, at the hands of a deranged loner came at a time when the Brexit referendum campaign was about to reach its climactic last weekend. And the awfulness of her death led to a temporary cessation of hostilities in that campaign. Terrible […]
Seanad Bill 2016 initiated 15/06/16

I was delighted to today initiate the Seanad Bill 2016, which was co-sponsored by a number of colleagues in Seanad Éireann, please see link below to a pdf of the full document Seanad Bill 2016 BILL (as initiated) SeanadBill2016 An Act to implement reforms proposed in the Report of the Working Group on Seanad Reform […]
Polls, wallops and political messaging as Brexit campaign reaches the home straight

The Brexit campaign, in horse racing terms, has rounded the last turn and is on the run in to the winning post. It is a two horse race. “Stay” and “Leave” are matching each other stride for stride, if the polls are to be believed. Which horse has the greater reserves of energy and which […]
Our ‘New Politics’ has caused a lurch to the Left

The reality of the “New Politics” is slowly emerging. Let’s look at some important issues. The Irish Constitution divides the powers of government into three categories – legislative, executive and judicial. These categories are not completely water-tight; but what is termed “the executive power of the State” is required to be “exercised by or on […]
Brexit would be gradual, planned and phased in

Brexit is viewed with grave apprehension here in Ireland – and with good reason. It would leave the Republic a member of the EU – bound, theoretically, on a journey of “ever closer union” with the other EU members – while our closest political ally in most EU matters and our greatest trading partner, the […]