No more political fudges on Seanad Reform

The NUI register which has more than 103,000 named voters is very much out of date, incomplete and patchy. The use of Registered Post is causing huge difficulties too.

The narcissism of small differences


This has been a bad week for Ireland. Instead of earning the respect of the people, the leaders of the two large parties seem intent on courting their contempt. Their efforts to position themselves favourably in the public eye and to outflank each other are pitiful. All the talk of 1916 and of patriotism, vision […]

A note to say thanks – #Seanad16 campaign event


On Tuesday 5th April, we hosted a campaign meeting for over 170 friends, colleagues and supporters in the Royal Irish Academy as part of my candidacy for the NUI panel of Seanad Eireann. For us, the event was a reminder of the warmth and friendliness which characterises many election campaigns, but which is often not […]

My open letter to Enda and Michéal


Dear Enda and Micheál,

It was about time that the two of you at least agreed to talk to each other.
The present impasse is definitely a problem for each of you personally. But it is a much bigger problem for the rest of us.