Mary Robinson’s Presidential Library and her legacy

Is this Groundhog Day for the “new politics”? Today’s Sunday Business Post Red-C poll confirms my thesis that Irish politics have become stuck in a depressing rut of under-performance and futility. Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil each enjoy the support of just a quarter of the jaded, cynical electorate. Neither of them has any fundamental […]
Growing worldwide alienation must be factored into the election of Trump

When the dust settles over the election of Donald Trump and the furore dies down somewhat, those, like me, who spoke and wrote against his candidacy will have to examine the factors that lie behind his success. There is no single, simple explanation. I wrote here in the last few months about some of the […]
A government in office but not in power attracts disastrous outcomes

With typical hype, the pendulum of lazy journalism and that class of corridor-prowlers who feed regular doses of nonsense to silly journalists has swung into action yet again. This time, we are told, that Angela Merkel is “now the leader of the free world”. Assuming that Ireland still remains part of “the free world”, is […]
Time for the West to atone for the damage it has caused in Syria

As the siege of Aleppo enters its final stages, and the reins of power in Washington are transferred to Trump, it is very likely that the Syrian conflict will result in Bashar Al Assad remaining President of the Syrian state under some negotiated “peace” deal at some point in the future. Western opinion has not […]
Renzi’s reckless promises sealed his fate

Whatever the outcomes in today’s Italian referendum and the Austrian election for president, there is a sense of restlessness and unease abroad in the western democracies. It can be argued that the Italian referendum is not of any inherent international significance save for the fact that Matteo Renzi, the master of silly political gestures, indicated […]
Gerry Adams’ post-factual parallel universe

The phrase “living in a parallel universe” is often used to describe the mind-set of people who inhabit a different moral space from most people and have created their own moral and factual order. This week it has been used about Gerry Adams as he wriggles and twists in an attempt to reconcile his membership […]