Trump considers bullying and thuggery as forceful and full blooded political behaviour

Donald Trump’s rampage across Europe reminds us that he is a buffoon with a bouffant. His brittle personality is aptly symbolised by his insubstantial, highly lacquered, yellow-dyed comb-over fascinator hair-do that “milliner to the stars” Philip Treacy would envy for its ambition. Trump’s grotesque pre-summit interview with The Sun in which he deliberately sought to […]
What are the chances of an early general election?

Here are three uncomfortable truths. First, despite furious public protestations to the contrary, both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael strategists are privately reconciled to the fact that neither of them is likely to have any chance of forming a government after any early election unless one of them does a coalition deal with Sinn Féin. […]