Is the new Ireland moving left or simply moving on? #GE2020

One week into the campaign, some trends are emerging clearly. There is widespread disillusionment and electoral ennui with the Government. Quite apart from published opinion polls, one hears constant feedback from areas outside Dublin that there is a major backlash against what is seen as a Dublin-focussed, somewhat smug urbane liberal elite that has lost […]
We need to elect a Dáil that will deliver a coherent, capable and caring government #GE2020

When Peadar Tóibín finally admitted the true nature of the Sinn Féin party, his revelations were seen by some as newsworthy. It is a centrally controlled political machine which operates on instructions from apparatchiks theoretically under the control of its Árd-Chomhairle. No real dissent is permitted. Elected representatives are instructed on how to vote and […]