We cannot afford to drift into another lockdown
The United Kingdom has given 14 million of its population a booster jab. It isn’t at all clear how many Irish people have received a booster jab at this point. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a considerable number of older people have not received their boosters. By the same token, I have heard of people who […]
Parliamentary oversight needed if Covid powers to be extended

I think I am not alone in experiencing a good deal of Covid news fatigue. The problem is that we feel collectively helpless as the infection rates defy predictions made 6 weeks ago by our experts. The present spike in daily projections will have hospitalisation consequences, ICU consequences, and, sadly mortality and long-Covid consequences. The […]
With challenges of conflict, climate and Covid, these are dangerous times

As someone who is firmly of the opinion that it would be a catastrophe if, by any chance, Donald Trump were to be re-elected in three years’ time, I feel that the current trend of US politics gives one the horrible sense of watching a proverbial car-crash in slow motion. Trump appears to retain a […]