Ukraine’s counteroffensive cannot fail. Putin must be heavily defeated


If the Ukrainian counter-offensive bogs down in a slow-moving ground campaign aimed at retaking one semi-abandoned village after another, there will be very serious consequences not only for Ukraine but also for the NATO member states and for the wider western world. If by the end of the summer or early autumn this year there […]

Nobody is thinking about the aesthetics of our cities


Some friends in the property business are privately stating that the supply of newly built office space in Dublin has reached the point of market saturation. Even allowing for large firms’ preference for up-to-the-minute standards in climate-friendly office accommodation, it seem that the change in work practices, including work from home, four-day weeks, open-plan layouts […]

Asylum conventions are outdated and in urgent need of a rethink


The results of a Red C poll published in the Business Post at the weekend probably spoiled breakfast for many ministers and their advisors. Apart completely from the poor showing in terms of political support for the Coalition parties, the poll dealt with issues relating to asylum seeking, refugee accommodation, and location of accommodation centres […]

The Northern Ireland elections saw no seismic shift


The impression created by the majority of the media is that the local elections in the North show dramatic change. But change from what? In the 2022 Assembly elections (where turnout was 62%), Sinn Féin got 30% of the seats with just over 29% of the first preference ) votes. In last week’s local elections […]

We fret about bilingual labels on beer cans, yet ignore gambling


In January 2022, I wrote here about what I claimed were ridiculous aspects of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018 which require every case of wine, spirits or beer imported into Ireland to be broken open and a bilingual label in English and Irish pasted on to each and every bottle or can warning of the […]

The decline of the House of Windsor has implications for Ireland


I have made a habit of abstaining from routine public comment about the British royal family for a number of reasons. The first is that they are human beings and are obvious targets for facile criticism and ridicule. The second is that, as an Irish republican, I consider that they have little or no significance […]