No time for consultation in the middle of a crisis

In the middle of a crisis, there is very little sense in attacking the Government for failing to consult local communities about the selection of places to accommodate refugees or asylum seekers. Who in the community would you need to consult if you were minded to use, say, the disused Baggot Street Hospital or the […]
Ireland has real problem with getting things done

If we in Ireland can harness our offshore wind energy capacity, our likely energy needs could be more than met. Minister for Energy Eamon Ryan was waxing lyrical about this opportunity recently. And it is an attractive and achievable goal – provided we take it seriously and provided that we implement the steps needed to […]
Grotesque that Sinn Féin should raise the issue of political donations

The controversy over Paschal Donohoe’s postering is faintly ridiculous. The amounts in question are tiny in the greater scheme of things. Nobody is suggesting that Donohoe dishonestly concealed anything. Nobody is even suggesting that he deliberately sought to mislead SIPO or the Dáil. Nobody is suggesting that Michael Stone deliberately infringed election expenses rules. Nobody […]
We have a national right and duty to determine migration policy

Like it or not, Ireland is part of what is called the West. While we may not be part of any military alliance with other western states, we are a member state of the EU and we depend on the West for our security, our prosperity, for our freedoms, and, in some respects, for our […]
Radical change is needed to make Dublin a liveable city

Three articles recently appeared here dealing with issues which, in different ways, go to the heart of the future of Dublin as a liveable city. The first, by Anthony Reddy, examined how our planning regulations prevent “own door dwelling” construction densities that could hugely increase our capacity to use urban land zoned residential for redevelopment. […]
The worst is not over for the institutional church in Ireland

A friend commented that there was a remarkable difference in the amount of media attention devoted to the death of Pele compared with the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XV. In modern times the idea of a pope resigning the see of Rome was unheard of until now. Time was when Radio Eireann would suspend […]