Tackling migration requires political courage from EU member states

Germany’s major opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has now taken the position that the right to asylum has been too broadly defined by the courts and needs to “stripped back to its original postwar core if countries were to regain control over immigration”, according to an interview granted to the London Times by […]
Growth of Hamas was observed and encouraged by Israel’s government

It is natural that the public’s attention should, on the anniversary of the barbarous Hamas attack on Israeli men, women and children, refocus on the killing of 1,300 people, and the brutal hostage taking. The unforgivable viciousness of October 7th, 2023 can easily be forgotten in the maelstrom of cruelty that has followed. About 45,000 Palestinians have perished in […]
Sex education cannot be taught on a one-size-fits-all basis

A controversy is brewing over the content of the Social Personal and Health (SPHE) curriculum and materials intended for use in the junior cycle post-primary years for young teenagers. Some commentators are extremely concerned about the underlying value system that is or is not present in the teaching of the subject. The SPHE courses are […]
We are in political denial of advanced administrative sclerosis

TDs of all parties and none heaved a collective sigh of relief when the Ceann Comhairle, Sean O Fearghaíl, commenced the new Dáil session by publicly distancing our elected representatives from the €336,000 cost of the under-used bike shelter constructed at Leinster lawn. The Oireachtas Commission, apparently, did not know of, or approve, the monstrous […]
Ireland must tackle the ‘pull factors’ that attract asylum applicants

The politics of the European Union are perplexing to say the least. The newly announced commission attracts media attention in much the same way as the Aintree Grand National. Silly, boastful claims by the parliamentary groupings in the EU parliament that they have done well or criticisms by the less successful that the gender balance of the commission is […]
Housing crisis will not be solved by Sinn Féin or coalition

In the wake of the €336,000 bike shelter scandal and the €13.8 billion Apple windfall, it is a dangerous time for pre-election promises and giveaway proposals. The real questions facing Ireland are about infrastructure. There is a huge gap in our infrastructural development. In a society with 5.3 million people, we need to invest in major infrastructural projects. It […]