Supreme Court selection is no business of judges

Professor Oran Doyle of TCD’s law school wrote recently in the Irish Independent about the significance of the Supreme Court hearing to be held this week into the constitutionality of the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill. In broad terms his article seemed supportive of the Bill. The central issue in the debate so far is the […]
An early election must have its attractions for Leo Varadkar

The announced departure from the political stage of Frances Fitzgerald has happened well in advance of the European and local elections due next June. Her party has plenty of time now to select a candidate for the Dublin constituency. But who would they choose to run for what used, in any event, to be a […]
How far will Sunak’s government go to deny the slaughter in Gaza?

Looking at what is happening in Britain in the context of ongoing destruction of innocent civilians in Israel and Gaza, I am left wondering how far the Sunak administration will go in denying the obvious truth that what is now being done to the Palestinians in Gaza is as wrong and as barbaric as what […]
No majority North or South for an undefined Irish unity

Steve Baker, a British minister of state for Northern Ireland and a former chairman of the Tory euro-sceptic European Research Group, suggested that it might have been better if the Good Friday Agreement had provided that there would be no change in the status of Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom unless a […]
Israel’s retribution on people of Gaza is exactly what Hamas planned

The atrocious Hamas massacre and hostage -taking in Israel was intended to have the exact outcome which is now unfolding before our eyes. Their evil calculus was, and is, that Israel would unleash a mighty retribution on the entire people and territory of the Gaza strip. What else could they have expected and hoped for? […]
Ireland must now shout out loud against total war in Gaza

The premeditated, evil barbarity unleashed on hundreds of innocent human beings by Hamas, a terrorist organisation, can never be justified or excused. Nor can the belief systems that conceived of the massacres and put them into effect. By any standard, they are heinous crimes against humanity and can only be viewed as such. The question that […]