Aggressive protesting is not a one-way street

Liberty to exercise the right of citizens to assemble peacefully and without arms is guaranteed by the State in Ireland subject to public order and morality. However, Article 40.6 of the Constitution authorises laws to prevent or control meetings “which are determined in accordance with law to be calculated to cause a breach of the peace or […]
Dublin’s dereliction problem needs a totally different approach

There has been a lot of commentary in these pages and elsewhere in relation to urban dereliction in Dublin, and the piecemeal and inadequate response to the consequences. To put one matter out of the way immediately, there is no – absolutely no – constitutional issue based on a property rights argument in tackling dereliction, underutilisation, or […]
Lenin is an odious icon for Irish human rights activists

I was intrigued to see posters featuring Vladimir Lenin and red flags featuring the hammer and sickle in evidence at a recent counterdemonstration in support of transgender rights at Merrion Square. This counterdemonstration apparently aimed to drown out by noise a demonstration organised by a group called Let Women Speak, which featured a controversial UK feminist anti-transgender […]
Quangos have vanished, only to be replaced by something worse. Tangos

A radio advertising campaign on disability rights is currently under way “brought to you by the Government of Ireland”. It carries the message: “The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities matters to everyone. Everyone who has a disability or who knows someone with a disability. We all have a part to […]
Is anyone doing the sums on our climate strategy?

Part of the Government’s strategy to curb harmful emissions by 51% between 2022 and 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050 involves an ambitious afforestation programme which would see planting of 8000 hectares (nearly 20,000 acres) this year. That would entail planting 154 hectares (380 acres) of new forestry every week this year. Just how ambitious […]
Stop glamorising spray-paint vandalism by calling it art

During a recent early evening taxi journey along Camden Street, Wexford Street, Redmond’s Hill, Aungier Street and Dame Street, I was struck by the vibrancy of the pedestrian traffic and the number of businesses getting ready to play their parts in Dublin’s nightlife. I was aware that concerns had previously been expressed about night-time disorder […]