We must accept severe sanctions if we are to stand for anything

Western democracy is under threat from outside and from within. There is a remarkable symmetry between Putin and Trump. Each is a psychological misfit with strong sociopathic tendencies. Each is part of a kleptocratic campaign to subvert democracy. Each admires the statecraft of the other. Each, I dare to say, merits the adjective “evil”. Trump […]
Ukraine deserves more than feather-duster sanctions

On 26th January, my piece here assumed that Putin probably intended to invade Ukraine and that the only response available to the West was a package of massive, severe and crippling sanctions against Russia. And so it has turned out to be. Any lesser response would by the US, NATO, the EU and Pacific region […]
Murdoch will do anything in pursuit of power; Trump and Johnson are the press magnate’s useful idiots

Max Hastings, the historian, journalist and newspaper editor, has a sharp pen and intellect. Writing about the character of Boris Johnson, he has delivered a devastating critique of the British Prime Minister’s character, proclivities, and weaknesses. All his criticisms rang true, coming as they did from a man with extended dealings with Johnson over many […]
We run down the Defence Forces at our peril

The leader of the Green Party, Eamon Ryan, last week caused a major row in government by announcing the closure of Cathal Brugha Barracks, an important military campus, to provide for the building of social and affordable housing. Evidently the announcement took his ministerial colleagues by surprise, not least embattled Simon Coveney, the Minister for […]
Does it matter how Sinn Féin organises itself?

Joe Joyce wrote here on Monday about Sinn Féin participation in government. And his opinion piece drew the usual reaction from on-line readers who use anonymity to hide their membership of a well-drilled phalanx of trolls. No surprise there. His central thesis – that Sinn Féin is not, and will not be, a conventional democratic […]
Covid controls should err on the side of keeping society open
When I wrote here last week on the issues of tobacco, alcohol and the State’s public health policies and priorities, I touched on a deeper question as to whether and how far it was legitimate for a liberal democracy to seek to control individuals’ behaviour in pursuit of general health outcomes by law. Can people […]