Tulsa racial pogrom resonates 100 years later

While we remember events 100 years ago which led to an independent Irish state, and while we are preparing to commemorate the disastrous civil war which followed, it is worthwhile to remember events which took place 100 years ago this week in Oklahoma in the United States. What is now known as the Tulsa massacre […]
Respect for truth is being hacked to pieces

I am reading the recently published Surviving Katyn by Jane Rogoyska, a riveting account of the lead up to and aftermath of the liquidation by Josef Stalin and Lavrenti Beria of 22,000 Polish officers captured by the Soviet Union in the 1939 carve-up of Poland with the Nazis. As is well known, some of their […]
Time to re-open our democracy

Now that building sites are reopened and retail is returning to normal, the question arises as to how our democratic institutions have performed and will perform in the wake of the pandemic. Assuming that the Indian variant does not derail reopening our social and economic lives, we must examine how our democracy has functioned during […]
Atrocities require us to look forward, not back

The British ambassador, Paul Johnston, wrote here yesterday that he agreed in one part with last Saturday’s editorial criticising indications from Downing Street of an intention to halt prosecutions in respect of crown forces involvement in historic killings during the Troubles as “a distressing and irresponsible move”. Specifically the ambassador agreed with the editorial’s proposition […]
North needs conciliation, not a referendum

There is an old, perhaps somewhat cynical definition of the referendum – “a process by which you get an answer you didn’t expect to a question you didn’t ask”. The kernel of truth here is that any referendum will be decided on the issue as understood by the voter – not necessarily as it was […]
Puppet masters won’t allow any Sinn Féin apology for Mountbatten
Funerary politics have their own particular potential. In the middle of a pandemic, so many ordinary citizens have been denied the opportunity to accord to their loved ones the honour and ceremonial of what is part of Irish culture – a decent funeral. In a gesture of solidarity with so many families, the British royal […]