Independents a better bet than Greens


Anyone who thinks that it is going to be easy to be in government in Ireland over the next five years should think again. Every day is going to be very, very difficult from the first day in office to the last. It is against that background that the Greens must judge the invitation from […]

Donald Trump is running out of scapegoats


If you look at betting odds on the November US presidential election, there is still a close run thing between Trump and Biden. But if you then examine the betting odds on the likely individual state results which in the end decide the electoral college, Biden’s candidacy has a clear advantage in the majority of […]

We must ease the Coronavirus lockdown


A few weeks ago, I suggested here that Trump’s opponents needed to be careful in taking a stand against the ending of the lock-down because it is important for leaders to nurture hope and to be seen to be planning a way out of the current crisis. Trump’s encouragement of the anti-shutdown protests well illustrates […]

The US is led by an emotional and moral monster in Trump


Trump’s hysterical onslaught on the American media is rising to new heights, as Monday’s so-called press briefing in the White House demonstrated. His vicious personal responses to fairly innocuous but predictable questions reveal the true nature of the man. And there is one word – a word beloved by Trump himself – to describe his […]

New Seanad can pass legislation without incoming Taoiseach’s nominees


It has been suggested that the Oireachtas cannot legislate at the moment because the Seanad has yet to be “fully constituted” pending the nomination of 11 members by the Taoiseach appointed by the Dail after the General Election. The argument seems to be that the Seanad cannot lawfully be convened unless and until the 11 […]