Fine Gael should swallow its pretend humility
The IPSOS MRBI/ Irish Times/ UCD exit poll that was conducted on election day established a few things. Apart from showing the three largest parties neck-and-neck in voting share, it also established that among all voters the coalition scenario that was clearly least popular (and presumably least intended by voters) was a government including Sinn […]
Sinn Féin is not a conventional democratic party – this is undeniable
That next Saturday’s General Election is happening in mid-winter when many people’s finances have yet to recover from the Christmas season, when days are dark and cold, when swathes of the electorate start and end their commute to work in the dark, and spirits are generally low, underlines the folly of those who chose this […]
Is the new Ireland moving left or simply moving on? #GE2020
One week into the campaign, some trends are emerging clearly. There is widespread disillusionment and electoral ennui with the Government. Quite apart from published opinion polls, one hears constant feedback from areas outside Dublin that there is a major backlash against what is seen as a Dublin-focussed, somewhat smug urbane liberal elite that has lost […]
We need to elect a Dáil that will deliver a coherent, capable and caring government #GE2020
When Peadar Tóibín finally admitted the true nature of the Sinn Féin party, his revelations were seen by some as newsworthy. It is a centrally controlled political machine which operates on instructions from apparatchiks theoretically under the control of its Árd-Chomhairle. No real dissent is permitted. Elected representatives are instructed on how to vote and […]
The only north Johnson cares about is the north of England
One intriguing question to emerge in the aftermath of the UKl election is whether the SDLP will deepen its flirtation with Fianna Fáil. The SDLP’s successes in the South Belfast and Foyle constituencies were really remarkable. In Foyle, party leader, Colum Eastwood, who was being written off by many political commentators as incapable of halting […]
Time to stop kowtowing to China over Taiwan
While seeking a place on the United Nations Security Council, you might think that Ireland, as a small independent state committed to a world order based on peace, international law and human rights, would stand up bravely for those values whenever given the opportunity. You would hope that Ireland would use its membership of the […]