Like the lion in The Wizard of Oz, Leo has lost his courage
“In the beginning there was nothing, and the Lord said “Let there be light” and there was light. There was still nothing. But you could see it a lot better”. These words come to mind when one considers the “new look” cabinet and all the razzmatazz surrounding the appointment of the “new” Taoiseach, the “new” […]
Hopelessness needs to be addressed for the coming generation, not only homelessness and the housing crisis
One of the striking features of the Marriage Equality Referendum in Ireland and the recent UK General Election was the mobilisation of the “young vote”, where a collective sense of purpose seized the imagination of younger voters traditionally less engaged in politics and inclined to abstain from the electoral process. A question that looms in […]
Adams’ miscalculation has handed the DUP an unexpected victory
Fool or knave? Or both? This weekend Gerry Adams resembles a smoking, shell-shocked Wile E. Coyote from the Road Runner cartoon, as the full implications of his polarisation strategy for politics in the North have become apparent. He has snatched a major defeat from the jaws of his March Assembly election “victory” – entirely by […]
No bright new dawn on the horizon for post-election UK
In the early hours of Friday morning we will know whether Theresa May’s decision to call a snap election has paid off. When she announced her U-turn on an early election in April, I wrote here about the danger that a lengthy election campaign centring on Jeremy Corbyn’s suitability for power might produce voter fatigue, […]
Trump’s gaffe-fest last week reinforced his ignorant buffoonery
Any hope that office would, somehow, transform Donald Trump into a capable, functioning President of the United States has been firmly dashed by this week’s events. Trump’s odyssey from the White House to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Rome, NATO HQ in Brussels, and the G7 Summit in Sicily left a trail of visual, political, diplomatic and […]
Ireland’s corporate tax policy is no “sacred cow”
Emmanuel Macron, in the course of his successful election campaign, cited Irish corporate taxation policy as an issue which he believed that a refocused EU might address. This opinion is hardly startling, given Macron’s enthusiasm for rekindling the campaign for further EU integration. When you consider the French electoral system, its shortcomings become apparent. Rather […]